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Compliance and reporting

To view annual reports from Northern Rivers Regional Organisation of Councils (NOROC), please visit the NOROC website

Financial reports

Statement of Revenue Policy

The Statement of Revenue Policy (PDF) is prepared in accordance with section 405 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”).
If you wish to comment on the policy, please contact

General purpose financial report

Annual Performance Statement

Returns of Interest

The NRJO is required to provide copies of its board members’ pecuniary interest returns (refer to Part 4 of the NRJO Code of Conduct) as open access information on its website, unless an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information exists, in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (‘GIPA Act’). To facilitate public access to these records, some of the information contained within them may be redacted as permitted under section 6(4) of the GIPA Act. Where information has been redacted, the text overlaying the redaction is a reference to the relevant factor/s against disclosure of the information contained in the Table of section 14 of the GIPA Act.

Members of the public who wish to view original returns at a Council office, may make a written application to the NRJO addressed to the Executive Officer. Please note that a statutory declaration stating the intended use of the information, may be required.

Public Interest Disclosures

The Northern Rivers Joint Organisation (‘NRJO’) is committed to fostering a ‘speak up’ culture where public officials are encouraged to report conduct they reasonably believe involves wrongdoing.

The functions of the NRJO under the PID Act, including the handling of reports of suspected serious wrongdoing, are exercised on its behalf by Rous County Council in accordance with section 81 of the PID Act.

For further information on reporting suspected serious wrongdoing and how your report will be handled refer to the Public Interest Disclosures Policy available on Rous County Council's website.

To make a report of suspected serious wrongdoing, complete the digital form available on the Rous County Council website.

For further information on Public Interest Disclosures, please visit the NSW Ombudsman website.

Northern Rivers Joint Organisation contact details

PO Box 239, Lismore, NSW 2480
68 587 813 167
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